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I have the tendency to be a slight work-a-holic... I'm that chick that will forego a Friday night on the town to cross-out an item on my ever existent To Do list! Now mind you, the item need not lead to accolades or even acknowledgement from anyone else. I truly think I am simply addicted to the feeling of accomplishment for doing what I said I was going to do-- whether it is completing a data summary for one of my evaluation projects or dry-mopping my floors.

We have to know and embrace who we are to make the most of life. Part of being who you are is knowing what drives your thoughts, words, behaviors and habits. Work-a-holic or not (and to give myself some credit, I know how not to be NOT... smile), I like setting goals and living out the path to seeing them actualized.

So #WhatsYourWhy? What are the feelings and visions that drive you? Who are your motivators? We often have many! Here is a brief clip of me sharing part of my own #WhatsYourWhy after the 36th Annual Living the Legacy Banquet hosted by the Columbia Section of the National Council of Negro Women.

Stay tuned, my friends! There is more to come....

In grace,


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