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Pageant Tickets (Apr. 22nd, Sumter SC)

As I prepare to compete for the title of Ms. South Carolina Plus America, I need your support!

Even after years of public speaking engagements, I STILL get stage fright, and having a few familiar faces in place will definitely calm my nerves as I represent you all under the bright lights! So, I need to see my people in the audience on April 22nd, and here's a few options to reserve your seat--

  • Sponsorship: Your financial support of my journey to the crown is greatly needed and appreciated! If you donate at the gold level or above, you will receive your ticket to the event along with some very nice acknowledgement gifts. 10% of your gift will also support NCNW's Four for the Future programs and events. Please visit to learn more about sponsorships or securely purchase a campaign package online; you may also give my campaign line a call at 843.900.GINA (843.900.4462).

  • Direct Ticket Purchase: I definitely understand if you're unable to support the campaign effort, but I'm even more grateful if you're willing to be present to cheer for your Queen! To purchase your general admission ticket ($20) or VIP ticket ($30) online, please visit and be sure to select my name on the second page after entering your billing information. I also have paper tickets that may be purchased in-person by calling the campaign line at 843.900.GINA (843.900.4462).

Pageant Details:

Date: April 22, 2017

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Place: Sumter County Patriot Hall, 135 Haynsworth St, Sumter, SC 29150

Looking forward to seeing you in Sumter on April 22nd!

In grace,


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